Online Diagnosis

What a perfect time of year to bring up your health!

With constant changes in the weather and the daily build-up of stress, you and others around you most likely have had or are currently having some symptoms of illness.

How we each identify what our body is trying to telling us makes a huge difference!

So by now as you read this you may be thinking, I just go to the Doctor when I’m feeling sick! What other options are available other than suffering through it?

WELL! Did you know that 35% of U.S. adults say they have used the internet to try to figure out what medical condition they or someone else might have?*

I know I have!

Out of the 35% of adults that have used Webmd or google-d certain symptoms to try and figure out a medical condition, almost half of them say that the information they found online led them to think they needed the attention of a medical professional.* (hopefully they actually went!)

But, how accurate is this information they received?

41% of health issue seekers say that a medical professional confirmed their diagnosis. Kind of scary to think some people rely solely on the information they find on the internet, but TRUE! And at least a percentage of those people did seek help from a professional.*

20 years ago this option to search the web for symptoms would not be nearly as popular. However, times are changing making the internet the fastest and most affordable way of obtaining advice about your health (for most of us).

Take into consideration insurance issues as well. This may also play a leading factor into why adults do not take the traditional route of making an appointment with your family physician.

Either way you choose to manage your health, if you are experiencing serious conditions -seek help. You could be spreading your sickness! Even if you do not want advice, you still need to give everyone around you a fair chance at being healthy! Whether you go to a professional, search online or even talk to a friend in the healthcare field can help lead you in the right direction.

We wish you a Happy and Healthy 2013! We hope your curiosity still sparks your interest to better yourself!

*Center for Media Research – Research Brief: Medical Diagnosis Online.

*National Survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.