I-9 Alert!

Attention Employers! We have an important hiring update!

On March 8, 2013 the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) released a new I-9! (Employment Eligibility Verification Form)

Employers are required to complete Form I-9 for all newly-hired employees to verify their identity and authorization to work in the United States.

Hiring officials need to start using the new I-9 with the revision date showing 03/08/13 immediately for all new employees. The revision date is on the lower left hand corner of the new form (Rev. 03/08/13)N.

You can however continue to use previous I-9 forms (Rev. 08/07/09Y and 02/02/09N) but only for 60 days until May 7, 2013. Then you MUST start using the updated version.

After the May 7, cut-off date even re-verification or rehires must use the new version of the Form I-9 (Rev. 03/08/13)N.

You may obtain the new I-9 (Rev.03/08/13)N by visiting I-9 Central or the USCIS website, or simply by clicking NEW I-9 HERE.

Here are some changes to look for:

  • I-9 is now two pages
  • More detailed instructions
  • E-mail address, phone number and foreign passport fields in Section 1.

For more information, please refer to the Federal Register or the official website for all the details.


*U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services